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¿Desea trabajar en el ministerio de niños?

[quote]El Señor afirma los pasos del hombre cuando le agrada su modo de vivir. Salmos 37.23[/quote]
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[dropcap]A continuación encontrará los formularios electrónicos que deben ser llenados para ingresar al ministerio de niños.
También deberá leer el manual de capacitación para maestros y las pólizas de protección antes de completar el examen.

Templo Nueva Vida bajo el mandato de la constitución de PAOC, corre un programa de prevención y protección del sector vulnerable. Además de las pólizas de protección y tiene cero tolerancia al abuso, maltrato o violencia.
Síntomas de maltrato
Protección a menores
Educación Sexual de los Hijos
Solicitar Police Background Check
Reporte de Incidencias

A continuación encontrará:

  1. Child/youth registration form
  2. Mini capacitación para maestros
  3. Ministry personnel application form
  4. Capacitación sobre pólizas de protección

[accordion title=”Child/youth registration form” close=”1″]

Child-Youth Sunday School Registration Form

Welcome to Templo Nueva Vida (New Life Temple). Please register your child(ren) to help with our policies, work and activities at church. Thank you!

I/We the parents or guardians name above, authorize the ministry staff of New Life Temple to sign consent for medical treatment and to authorize any physician or hospital to provide medical assessment, treatment or procedures for the participant name above. I/We, named above, undertake and agree to indemnify and agree to indemnify and hold blameless the ministry staff of New Life Temple, its pastors and Board of the Elders from and against any loss, damage or injury suffered by the participant as a result of being part of the activities of the New Life Temple, as well as of any medical treatment authorization is effective only when participating in or traveling to events of the New Life Temple.

Purposes and Extent: New Life Temple is collecting and retaining this personal information for the purpose of enrolling your child/ youth in our programs, to assign the students to the appropriate classes, to develop and nature ongoing relationships with you and your child/youth, and to inform you of the program updates and upcoming opportunities at our church. This information will be maintained permanently as it an equipment of our insurance company and legal counsel. If you wish New Life Temple to limit the information collected, or view your child’s/ youth information, please contact us. Thank You, Children’s and Youth’s Ministry


[accordion title=”Mini taller de capacitación para maestros de niños” close=”1″]
Mini taller de capacitación para maestros de niños de escuela dominical


[accordion title=”Ministry personnel application form” close=”1″]

Child-Youth Ministry Personnel Application Form

Welcome to Templo Nueva Vida (New Life Temple). To reduce the risk of abuse within our church ministries, we are collecting this information to protect our children, our youth and our volunteers and to effectively place our volunteers in ministry positions. Thank you in advance!

Applicant’s personal information:

Applicant’s personal history:

Please provide a copy of your employment resume and/or list employers with which you have worked with for the past 10 years, including names and addresses or employers, dates of your employment, you position, and a contact person.

Applicant’s spiritual history:

Ministry Information and Experience:

Churches attended in the last five years:
Second church attended in the last five years if different from above:
My present or most recent ministry experience is as follows:
Please provide the name of three individuals, excluding relatives, who could provide a reference for you. Include at least one reference from outside the church.
First Reference:
Second Reference:
Third Reference:
Purposes and Extent: New Life Temple is collecting and retaining this personal information for the purpose of enrolling you in our programs, to assign to the appropriate classes, to develop and nature ongoing relationships with you, and to inform you of the program updates and upcoming opportunities at our church. This information will be maintained permanently as it an equipment of our insurance company and legal counsel. If you wish New Life Temple to limit the information collected please contact us. Thank You, Children’s and Youth’s Ministry


[accordion title=”Capacitación sobre pólizas de protección” close=”1″]
Mini taller de capacitación para maestros de niños de escuela dominical


[accordion title=”Training on protection policies” close=”1″]
Mini-training workshop for Sunday school children’s teachers


[accordion title=”Cuestionario examen de Ministerio de Niños” close=”1″]

Examen de Póliza del Ministerio de Niños

En cumplimiento de las pólizas vigentes en TNV para el ministerio de niños llene este cuestionario.


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