[styled_box color=”gray” title=”Enlaces Útiles / Useful links”]A continuación presentamos algunos enlaces útiles para la comunidad. Si usted considera que hay otros útiles que sería bueno añadir por favor nos hace saber.
Please find below useful links for our community. If you consider that there is other useful links to add, please let us know.
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Enlace y Descripción | Link and Description |
https://paoc.org/family/what-we-believe Resumen de lo que creemos | Summary of Statements of Faith (PAOC) |
https://paoc.org/docs/default-source/fellowship-services-documents/statement-of-fundamental-and-essential-truths.pdf Afirmación de Fe de la PAOC completo | Unabridged Statements of Faith of PAOC |
https://paoc.org/services/desk-of-the-general-secretary-treasurer/position-papers Posiciones doctrinales de PAOC en diversas áreas | Position Papers and Reports |
https://paoc.org/services/desk-of-the-general-secretary-treasurer/constitutions Constitución y reglamento de la PAOC | PAOC Constitution and Bylaw |
http://www.bible-researcher.com/ecumenical-creeds.html La PAOC se suscribe a los credos históricos de la iglesia universal | PAOC subscribes to the historic creeds of the universal church. |
https://paoc.org/family/archives/academic-resources Recursos Académicos | Academic Resources |
https://paoc.org/church-toolbox/ Recursos de PAOC para todas las áreas de la iglesia | PAOC CHURCH TOOLBOX |
http://www.hamiltonpolice.on.ca/HPS/Services/Records/Criminal+Record+Check.htm Record Policial | Hamilton Police Check |
http://www.hamiltonpolice.on.ca/NR/rdonlyres/226F1B52-E73B-41C1-8AE4-531191A9A888/0/VulnerableSectorScreening.pdf Voluntariado con menores | Vulnerable Sector Screening |
http://hamiltontoollibrary.ca/ Préstamo de Herramientas | Hamilton Tool Lending Library |
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